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  • Resham T Shewakramani

Content Marketing 101 - What it is and Why you Need it?

Many of us hear the term content marketing thrown around all the time but how many of us really know what it means and why content marketing is important for your business to succeed?

I bet not a lot.

So here’s a little bit of content marketing 101 to help you understand what exactly the world means by ‘Content is king’.

Simply put, content marketing is creating and sharing online material that adds value and stimulates interest to attract and retain audiences. Content is not only about what you present but also how you present it. 

Content Marketing

So, why do you need it?

Content marketing is now more important than ever. There are several reasons why your business needs it. Here are a few we think are important. 

1. Helps you understand your customer

Content marketing helps you understand your customer better. You can test various types of contents in different formats and see what your customers engage with the most. This enables you to create more relevant content for them.

2. Improves your SEO

Good quality content attracts more links. More links means your ranking on Google goes up. That’s what you want. To be found. To get clicks. 

Content Marketing - Search Engines - Google

3. Brand authority

Producing relevant and qualitative content can help build your brand’s authority, establish it as a thought leader, and garner trust. 

4. Leads 

One of the main rules of content marketing is value. Content produced should add value. This encourages user engagement and helps to generate new leads. 

5. Conversions

Good content will result in engagement. Good engagement results in conversions. At the end of the day, that’s what any business is looking for!

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