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  • Resham T Shewakramani

Want to grow your email list? Here are 7 ways on how to!

Grow your email list

In our previous blog post we spoke about why you should grow your database organically rather than buying or renting data. The question now is HOW? How do you grow an email database?

A lot of people might believe that this is industry dependent but there are some tactics that work for all industries.

We’ve listed a few tactics that we think will work for any company.

1. Website

This is so basic yet there are several companies who forget. Have a sign up form wherever possible on your website! Viewers should be able to subscribe on your home page, blog posts, and any other page on your site. There should always be an opportunity for them to subscribe. 

2. Create good content and promote it

This one is a bit of a no brainer – if you are constantly writing and publishing good content, they why wouldn’t anyone want to subscribe? Just make sure they know about it so don’t shy away from advertising and promoting it via Social media or through third-parties.

3. Create add-ons to your content

Offer your viewers something more! Give them a reason or an incentive to share their email address. Have they come to your site to shop? Then offer them a free mini of something or some money off their first purchase. Have they come to research some services you provide? Offer them a case study that proves your potential or a free template or eBook that might help them. All they have to do is sign up to receive it! Don’t forget, whatever it is, make it exciting enough for them and ensure it adds value!

How to grow your list

4. Encourage sharing

Always, always, always allow viewers/readers to share your content. Once they’ve shared it, it allows a wider audience to have a look at the content and sign up to receive it themselves. 

5. Online contests or games

Allow users to sign up for an online contest with their email address for free give aways or even an online game. Here's a great example by Alchemy Worx

6. Sign up button on your Facebook page

Insert a call-to-action on your Facebook page that allows people to subscribe or sign up.

 7.  Offline events

Collect email addresses at offline events – think exhibitions, trade shows, and in store as well.

This is just a start on how you could grow your list. If you incorporate just 1 or 2 of these, you are bound to see an increase in your database.

Don’t forget to subscribe to ours below to find out more about how you can get the most out of your digital marketing! 

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