It’s quite common for agencies & freelancers to joke about how clients don’t know what they want but they always know what they do want. If you have a friend or family member that is a freelancer or works for an agency, then you would know what the frustration feels like.
Since I started working, first at an agency & then on my start-up, I have found that the best way to manage this issue is to really understand what the goal of a particular campaign, the platform, or the entire marketing strategy for that matter is.
A clear goal, or otherwise known as a ‘smart’ objective really helps everyone involved understand what it is you are trying to achieve, therefore what tool or platform you should use, how you should design and/or create your content, and what needs to be measured. If this is not clear, then everyone essentially is all over the place with a vague desired result.
To give you an example, say a client, or you as a business, are looking to increase your brand awareness. You come to somebody like me, or an agency, to find out how you can increase your brand awareness using digital channels. The usual suspects, Instagram, Facebook, Google Ads are mentioned and discussed. Visuals are then created, and the campaigns start.
However, while these campaigns have started and suddenly, you’re not only looking at brand awareness you also want people to come to your website, then the goal is not entirely about brand awareness, it’s also about getting those clicks. At least that’s how I would view it.
With the new goal, it means that not only do your visuals have to spell out and should about your brand, but they also have to give the viewer a reason to click through. So essentially it goes from being a billboard ad, that is just viewed, to something that’s directing you to the shop or the website. This then requires new visuals and new approaches. The previous ones may not do the job.
The other reason for having a clear goal is so that designers can do their job in creating a visual or content writers can do their job in creating accurate content if they know what needs to be achieved. If that’s not clear, then you could very easily be going back and forth on a design for a social media post for a while. With a clear goal, the back and forth doesn’t have to be painful as the designer can explain their reasons for designing a post in a certain way to help achieve the end goal.
So boom, everyone’s on the same page and things run a lot smoother and the process doesn’t have to be painful for anyone!
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