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  • Resham T Shewakramani

Why You Should Consider All Digital Channels When Thinking About Strategy

It's not only about social media - Digital Strategy

I often find that when people ask me about their digital marketing and what they should do, they only tend to talk about Instagram. No one’s really talking about their website, SEO, doing Pay-Per-Click campaigns on Google, or even email marketing.

Having been in the industry for over 8 years now, my take on this is when you are looking at your digital marketing and your online presence, look at all the channels available at your disposal.

It’s important to think about your overall only strategy and understand where your customers are and where will they be interacting with your brand. Not all your prospective customers are going to be on social media. They might be looking for you on Google. Likewise, all your existing customers may not be following you on social media. I buy from many brands online, but I don’t follow them on social so how will I know if they have a deal or are on sale? Email works better for them in that respect.

I’m not saying to not have a social media presence but rather think about what each channel is good for. Websites show others that you are a legitimate business and share information about what you do. If you have an ecommerce setup it’s where your leads convert to become customers. Social lets you engage with followers, while email marketing helps you retain existing customers.

They all have a part to play so it’s best not to leave out any unless you really think it won’t add to your business model. I’m currently working on a guide to help you with putting together a digital strategy so keep watching this space to find out more!

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